Avanti strives to be a sustainable supplier

A Sustainable Supplier

Avanti is working towards Net Zero

At Avanti we aren’t only helping our customers to create cleaner, safer and more sustainable spaces. We are trying to do exactly the same thing in our own business.

Sustainability is more than cleaning, of course.  Avanti is excited to also be on a journey towards Net Zero.  We have begun the process of achieving Planet Mark Business Certification. It marks a new chapter in our efforts to embed sustainability into all aspects of the company.

We aim to help every customer on the same journey by providing them new choices and insights into what is possible - whether that is saving paper, reducing transport, or embracing new products made from sustainable or recycled sources. Click on the cover image to download our new Green your Cleaning sustainability brochure for more.

What is Planet Mark?

Planet Mark Business Certification is a globally recognised sustainability certification that requires rigorous standards and accountability. We aim to measure and reduce our carbon footprint by working towards it.

The Certification process involves a regular assessment of our environmental performance, ensuring that we continuously uphold the highest sustainability standards and are making strides to reduce our carbon footprint.

Why does Carbon Reduction matter so much?

Reducing carbon emissions is crucial for all businesses. As a business that ships products every day to customers both close to home in Bristol and around the country, we are very conscious of our carbon footprint.

Carbon reduction isn’t just good for the planet, helping towards global efforts to limit temperature rises.  It can also create savings too.

Planet Mark defines three areas for attention when it comes to carbon footprint reduction:

  • Direct emissions from within our company itself – such as how we heat our offices or fuel our delivery vans
  • Indirect emissions which come from our decisions – such as choosing who we buy things like energy from very carefully
  • Indirect emissions within the value chain – and this is where our suppliers come in. We are actively selecting suppliers who are themselves working towards Net Zero, committing to the use of recycled rather than materials such as virgin plastics or wood fibres, and creating products that can easily be recycled or disposed of safely.

We're on the path to sustainability!

Avanti is first having a thorough evaluation of our current environmental impact. This involves assessing our carbon emissions, energy consumption, waste management practices, and overall sustainability initiatives. Through this process, Planet Mark is going to help us identify key areas for improvement and set ambitious goals for reducing our carbon footprint.

Watch this space for updates along the way!

For more information about the Planet Mark initiative, visit Planet Mark.

Planet Mark logo - helping Avanti on its sustainability journey

We love what we do and are passionate about our fantastic customers’ businesses.  We not only specialise in hygiene but catering supplies, first aid, clothing, safety footwear and PPE. 

Our Suppliers


Contact Avanti

Tel: (0)117 963 3629

Fax: (0)117 963 5070

[email protected]

Avanti Hygiene Limited
179 South Liberty Lane
Ashton, Bristol, BS3 2TN

Find Us

Contact Avanti

Tel: (0)117 963 3629

Fax: (0)117 963 5070

[email protected]

Avanti Hygiene Limited
179 South Liberty Lane
Ashton, Bristol, BS3 2TN

Find Us