
Environmental Policy

Date of last review: 19th June 2012


1. Introduction
2. Environmental Policy
3. Environmental Purchasing Policy
4. Policy Implementation

1. Introduction
1.1 Avanti Hygiene Limited (hereafter ‘Avanti’) recognises that concern for the environment should be an integral and fundamental part of the business and sees this as a key area of our Corporate Social Responsibility.

1.2 Avanti is committed to achieving environmental best practice throughout its activities and to working towards minimising the impact of its operations upon the environment.

1.3 The Environmental Policy extends to cover purchasing, with the objective of influencing suppliers to ensure that goods procured support the Environmental Policy, whilst progressively improving their own environmental performance.

2. Environmental Policy
2.1 The Company Management is committed to continual improvement in this area and seeks to challenge existing practises and processes in order to achieve best practice.

2.2 To this end Avanti:

a) Will be mindful of the impact of transportation on the environment, implementing initiatives such as: running commercial vehicles on diesel for better fuel economy; providing hybrid company vehicles to sales personnel and sending out full rather than part loads.
b) Will comply with environmental legislation and regulations and will stay abreast of developments in legislation.
c) Will endeavour to reuse or recycle materials rather than dispose of wherever possible.
d) Will work to reduce waste and pollutants.
e) Will manage energy wisely in all operations, from small things such as turning off computer monitors at night.
f) Will implement initiatives to reduce paper usage, such as online ordering via the new website, and will seek further opportunities in this area.
g) Will incorporate consideration of environmental factors into business decisions.
h) Is committed to continual improvement.
i) Will review the Environmental Policy at regular intervals.
j) Will undertake a continuous review of its activities to ensure compliance with the policy and applicable legislation.
k) Will establish targets to measure the continuous improvement in our environmental performance.
l) Will involve customers, partners, clients, suppliers and subcontractors in the implementation of our objectives.
m) Will provide suitable training to enable employees to deal with their specific areas of environmental control.

3. Environmental Purchasing Policy
3.1 The Environmental Purchasing Policy requires that sustainability and environmental issues are considered in the procurement of all relevant goods and services.

3.2 To that end Avanti:

a) Will raise environmental awareness among purchasers.
b) Will ensure relevant environmental issues are considered as part of the purchasing process.
c) Will source from suppliers who adopt good environmental and sustainability practices and who adhere to ‘greener’ policies (ISO 4001 accreditation preferred).
d) Will ensure that existing and potential suppliers are aware of and understand our corporate environmental policies.
e) Will work with its suppliers to minimise the environmental impact of their operations through a quality purchasing policy, encouraging them to be compliant with any current and future environmental legislation.
f) Will seek to reduce its carbon footprint by making fewer, larger orders with suppliers and by sourcing British products where possible.
g) Is committed to stocking environmentally friendly alternatives alongside traditional products, which have a minimal impact on the environment (Envirological range; Enzyme product range) and anticipates further developments in this area.
h) Strives to reduce the packaging associated with its goods, encouraging use of 5L packs and refillable trigger spray bottles.
i) Will recycle and encourage the use of recycled products and packaging. To this end Avanti will strive to offer recycled paper products where possible, as an alternative to virgin pulp.
j) Will only buy goods and services that are truly necessary and will consider other possibilities such as leasing.

4. Policy Implementation
4.1 Avanti recognises and accepts that its Company Owners and Managers have ultimate responsibility for implementation of and adherence to this policy.

4.2 All employees are responsible for working towards the objectives contained within this policy.

DA HUNT - Managing Director, Avanti Hygiene Limited

Contact Avanti

Tel: (0)117 963 3629

Fax: (0)117 963 5070

[email protected]

Avanti Hygiene Limited
179 South Liberty Lane
Ashton, Bristol, BS3 2TN

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